Here are some pictures from our time on Ischia, a little island off the coast of Napoli. We (meaning his family and I) had to take a huge ferry over and despite the 100 degree weather and almost throwing up (both Antonello and I...oh, and his sister) from a long and windy bus ride over to the other side of the island called Sant'Angelo, we settled down and had some lunch. Sant'Angelo is an old fishing town that allows no cars on it's little streets. After taking the bus as far as it could go, we had to walk the rest of the way down into the village where many colored houses lined the hills. Even though Capri is more famous and well-known, people consider Ischia to be more beautiful. Both are amazing in my book.
a view of an old lighthouse from the ferry on the way to Ischia
more amazing views of the hillside on our journey to the island
Emanuela and I
*cheese* on the ferry
the hillside on the harbor at Ischia
the village in Sant'Angelo
This video is taken on the ferry back to Napoli and I love it because a guy was walking around with his accordion playing music for us ferry folk. Only in Italia.
17 days and counting until I start school. Excited, yes. Ready, AAAAAHHHHHH! I just found out I have a test on the first day of school and this has left me a little worried. My mom said I came out of the womb with a furrowed brow but I think it's time to unfurrow (word?) it.
Living here the past 2 months has taught me more about myself than a lot of other things I have gone through. Going through culture shock and being so far away from everything that has been safe and comfortable and familiar in my life, is turning out to be the most beautiful thing that could have happened. I am truly finding myself and more importantly, finding out who my beautiful Creator is.
There are days though, where I want to run back to the U.S. to find washers AND dryers instead of hanging ALL my clothes outside on a line; or going to my favorite coffee shop/bookstore instead of looking down the street to find run-down stores and garbage; or to turn on the t.v. and watch reruns of "Friends" instead of soccer, soap operas, & more soccer; or to have my studio and independence back instead of being around family every day.
....each day I am beginning to thank God for the simplicity of hanging my clothes and how peaceful it is to help grammy. I look at the streets and see people who are trying to survive and who need Jesus in a powerful way; an opportunity to share. I can't wait to go to a soccer game now and when I think about it, I don't really miss my shows. Independence will come but right now, I am surrounded by people who love me and care for me.
God is amazing. I am going to go watch the sunset and talk with my Dad...