For the past few days, I have bundled up, grabbed my hat and my ipod, and have set out on daily walks, usually ending up looking out over Puget Sound on Magnolia Blvd. It has helped tremendously to center my thoughts and to pray about my 'unknown' future I am facing.
I have also been paying more attention to
trees. I have been finding such beauty in them; in their tangled branches & in their strength. As I have been walking and looking at them, there have been many nests in those tangled branches as well. Each walk has brought another new nest and it got me thinking about these bird "houses". After my walk today, I came home and googled what it takes to make one...
Nests don't just show up overnight; birds have to
first fly around, find and decide what tree they would like to settle into, then, they can start to build. Finding and collecting sticks, feathers, leaves, etc., to build their 'home', can finally begin after that crucial step in deciding where to live.
I feel like I am in the process of beginning to build my 'nest'. I have to first decide the 'where' part, which explains me flying around from Italy to the States and back again. When this can finally be decided, the building can begin. The sticks, feathers, and leaves can be collected and the building can start. I just want to choose the best and strongest tree for myself and the other little "bird" in my life. :)