September 5, 2008

culture shock

Definition of culture shock....
  1. The mental shock of adjusting to a new country and a new culture, which may be dramatically different from your own.
  2. Being in a strange place and losing the power to communicate can disrupt a person’s world view, self-identity, and systems of thinking, acting and feeling.

I think it would be fair to say that these 2 definitions sum up EXACTLY what I am experiencing.

  • mental shock...check
  • dramatically different culture...check
  • strange, unfamiliar place...check
  • unable to communicate (fully & effectively)...check
  • questioning my self-identity...check

Sometimes, on grammy's balcony, amidst the noises on the streets of Napoli, I close my eyes and picture what my life used to look like. I know I have only been here for a little over 2 months, but it is comforting to sense the familiar, to remember faces, to cherish times of solitude I once had, and to breathe in my previous independence that now seems so fleeting.

  • His plan is bigger and better than my plan...check


Heather & Matt Troxell said...

love you.

miss you.

proud of you.

(How can we talk? I'd like to do that)

DeeDee said...

Sar, From all my travels I speak from experience... It's ALL worth it. Just remember to take time for yourself.... journal, read, exercise, breath deep and ENJOY every moment. Soon life will be "comfortable" again and you'll miss these unfamiliar times dearly. I'm proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much, it hurts! I have so much to say to you. I wish we could just walk and talk and dream together. I really need you!


Smarshie said...

Sarah Y stepping out in faith and trusting God by moving to another country...check.


Haley said...

Oh my goodness you are amazing.
And brave.
And courageous.
And I am so proud of you.
Fur sur. I mean, like, soopur proud.

Oh yeah, and I love you and miss you TONS.

Taylor Welty said...
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Taylor Welty said...

Oh Sarah,

You are so brave. And that same bravery and trust in the One who brought you there in the first place is leading you right smack in the center of such a huge blessing... I can't believe your wedding is in less than a month! Just know I am thinking of you and you are so admired and I just LOVE reading your blogs... They overflow with your passion for life and your delight in the little things. You teach me so much all the time. :)

Love you,
PS: Destra, sinistra... oh, I think you were way over my head way back then. :) haha Now I won't even be able to understand you!! :D